CAVE — Centre for Audiovisual Experimentation

John Cage, One11 and 103, 2017
Project Space, Fine Art Building, University of Leeds

John Cage One11
Still from film, courtesy EAI and John Cage Trust

On the occasion of Performing Indeterminacy, an international Conference in the School of Music, we were excited to present John Cage’s extraordinary One11 and 103.

One11, John Cage’s only feature-length film (created the year he died), is a composition for ‘solo camera man’.

Cage writes: “One11 is a film without subject. There is light but no persons, no things, no ideas about repetition and variation. It is meaningless activity which is nonetheless communicative, like light itself, escaping our attention as communication because it has no content to restrict its transforming and informing power.

In this installation, as recommended by Cage, the work was presented with 103, a chance determined work for orchestra, written the previous year.

This installation was organised in partnership with the School of Music. Curated by Dr Sam Belinfante, School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies

Project Space, 30 June – 2 July 2017