CAVE — Centre for Audiovisual Experimentation

Buccal Philosophy: The Experience of the Mouth in Jean-Luc Nancy
Seminar led by Andrea Gyenge
Wednesday 9 February 2022, 16:00–18:00, online

← Tunings of the World, 2021–22

Extending the Sadler Seminar Series ‘Tunings of the World’, Andrea Gyenge (University of Toronto) addressed the place of the mouth in Jean-Luc Nancy’s work—from his earliest commentaries on Descartes to his last texts—including “Hymne Stomique,” written for her co-authored interview with him in 2020.

In his preface to the English translation of Ego Sum (1979), Jean-Luc Nancy declares his commitment to the mouth: “Since I wrote this book, the mouth is the other motif that never leaves me, even if I have not written much more about it, as if I was waiting (but who, ‘I’?) for a special occasion, the sudden discovery of the opportunity for an epic of the mouth.” Despite Nancy’s own assessment of his oeuvre, Ego Sum marks the first of many texts that pass through the mouth, texts that amount to a clandestine corpus of buccal gestures. This seminar picks up and explores that theme as an opening into Nancy’s work.

Dr Andrea Gyenge is Postdoctoral Fellow in Visual Studies at the University of Toronto

Tunings of the World, a Sadler Seminar Series 2021–22

The project this seminar contributes to and develops is one whose constitutive inter-disciplinarity is designed to open this conversation to many. At the same time, it reminds us all that attuning to a discipline often involves listening to what it only struggles to give voice to.