CAVE — Centre for Audiovisual Experimentation

Sarah Kate Wilson: Wrapped
Project Space, Fine Art Building, University of Leeds

← The Fold, 2017

Photos: Jules Lister

Wrapped presents artist Sarah Kate Wilson’s Shrink-wrapped Paintings, a new body of work that promotes painting as a time-based medium. Whilst being hosted by Project Space, these ‘durational paintings’ invite viewers, by way of instructions, to participate in their making.

Visitors are encouraged to bring objects to the gallery that can be ‘wrapped’ into the paintings. The paintings already contain clothes, plates, empty packets of pain killers, clutter, trainers and other existing artworks.

Shown as part of The Fold, an exhibition programme curated by Dr Sam Belinfante, School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies.

Project Space, 16 May – 3 June 2017

Click here for the exhibition guide.

Posters: Rory McCartney